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Alessandro Zanarini
Senior Researcher & Assistant Professor in Mechanics of Machines (S.S.D. IIND-02/A - ex ING/IND 13)

DIN - Department of Industrial Engineering
Bologna University
School of Engineering and Architecture,
2nd floor - Mechanics of Machines
Viale Risorgimento 2,
I-40136 Bologna, Italy
Tel: +39 051 2093442
Short Curriculum Vitae
Member of the International Scientific Commitee for the International Conference on Structural Integrity (ICSI) since June 2024.
Member of the laboratory of the region of Imola about the activities of Hera Group (HeraLAB-Imola) since January 2023, with the theme of carbon neutrality, sharing the "Idee per[ideas for] CONCERTO".
Member of Hydrogen Europe Research (HER) since January 2022, focusing on the hydrogen-based districts (RM20 - Road Map Hydrogen Valleys).
Attendance at the meetings of the civic assembly AssembraMenti-EmiliaRomagna in April 2021 with the project CONCERTO (Coinvolgere Ogni eNergia Creativa in Emilia-Romagna per la Transizione ecOlogica)[Engaging every creative energy in Emilia-Romagna for the ecological transition].
Invited by Prof. Paolo Gardonio at the Politechnic Department of Engineering and Architecture, University of Udine, Italy, for the research seminar "Vibration measurements by means of full field optical techniques", June 25th 2019
Field editor on "Energy Issues in Mechanical Engineering" for the Journal of Energy Systems (JES) ISSN: 2602-2052.
Invited keynote lecture "Concept, design, manufacturing, setting up, maintenance: a machine whole life together with advanced technologies in structural dynamics for improving renewable energy systems" for the 4th International Conference on Power Generation Systems and Renewable Energy Technologies (PGSRET2018) at Islamabad, Pakistan, September, 2018, to highlight the achievements of modern tecniques and the results of the fundamental research project TEFFMA.
Organizer of the Symposium Full Field Measurements for Advanced Structural Dynamics in the framework of the International Conference on Engineering Vibration (ICoEV-2015) in Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 7 - 10, 2015.
The European Commission financed the project TEFFMA "Towards Experimental Full Field Modal Analysis".
Author of the volume A. Zanarini, "Analisi cinetostatica grafica di meccanismi piani. Applicazioni per la Meccanica delle Macchine", Societa' Editrice Esculapio, October 2012, ISBN - 978-88-7488-545-9. Graphical kineto-static analysis of planar mechanisms, with related theory and fully solved exercises.
Invited at the Institut fuer Mechanik und Mechatronik, Abteilung fuer Maschinendynamik, Messtechnik und Aktorik, Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria, as Visiting Professor for the research project "Full Field Optical Measurements for Advanced Structural Dynamics" and teaching activity.
Author of papers published on Journals and presented at international conferences on Structural Dynamics by means of Component Mode Synthesis, Vibro-Acustic FRF-based Substructuring, Multibody Modeling of Spatial Mechanisms, Noise & Vibration Measurements, Static and Dynamic Displacement Measurements by means of full field optical techniques (ESPI/ Digital Holography), SLDV and Hi-Speed DIC.
Member of the Study Course Boards for the degrees in Civil, Electrical, Energy and Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Bologna during the courses.
Member of the Mechanics of Machines Doctorate Board, managed by Bologna University.
Member and vice-president of the RAB (Residential Advisory Board) Imola since 2007 after public elections, in order to supervise the works at the co-generation plant of Imola and its repercussions in the region.
Appointed as Researcher/Assistant Professor in Mechanics of Machines (S.S.D. ING/IND 13) since 2/3/2006, at DIEM, Bologna Engineering Faculty.
Research grant at DIEM (1/8/2005-15/3/2006) for the project "Controllo attivo delle vibrazioni di macchinario industriale (Active control of vibrations in industrial machinery)", linked to the Laboratorio di Acustica e Vibrazioni (LAV) activity.
Postdoctoral European Commission - Marie Curie Industry Host Fellowship (1/4/2004-31/7/2005) at Dantec Ettemeyer GmbH, Ulm (Germany), for the project "Speckle interferometry for industrial needs".
Research grant at DIEM (1/10/2003-31/3/2004) for the project "Sviluppo di metodologie di analisi delle proprietà dinamiche di meccanismi spaziali al variare della loro configurazione geometrica (Development of methodologies for the analysis of the dynamic properties of spatial mechanisms during the variation of the geometric configuration)".
Study award "Eredità Masi-Carducci, Università di Bologna", for the best doctorate dissertation on "Analisi dinamica di meccanismi del settore automotive con particolare riguardo ai metodi di sottostrutturazione numerico-sperimentale (Dynamic analysis of automotive mechanisms by means of numerical-experimental substructuring)".
European Doctorate on Sound and Vibration Studies, obtained from the European Commission-EDSVS Network for the research project "Hybrid modeling for road noise prediction" carried out at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) during the post-graduate research Marie Curie Host Fellowship.
Doctorate in Mechanics of Machines (XV Cycle 1/1/2000-31/12/2002) defended on 26th May 2003; title of doctoral dissertation: "Development of numerical and experimental procedures for dynamic analysis of automotive vehicles."(link)
Conscription solved by Civil Service (21/3/1999-23/1/2000) at Imola City Police for the Street Education program.
Certificate for the profession of Mechanical Engineer released in May 1999.
5 years - Master level degree (Laurea) in Mechanical Engineering (a.y.1997-98) at the Faculty of Engineering of Bologna University, Italy; title of the degree dissertation: "Analisi dinamica del telaio di un motoveicolo da competizione (Dynamic Analysis of a race motorbike frame)".
High school leaving certificate (year 1992-93) from "Liceo Scientifico Statale Luigi Valeriani" in Imola (Bologna, Italy).
Research areas (page)
1. Machine mechanics and dynamics;
2. Vibration engineering;
3. Monitoring and diagnostics of mechanical systems and rotating machines;
4. Finite element modeling;
5. Multibody modeling for spatial mechanisms (also flexible);
6. Noise & vibration measurement techniques;
7. Static and dynamic displacement measurements by means full field optical techniques (SLDV/Scanning laser vibrometer, ESPI/ Digital Holography & DIC/Digital Image Correlation);
8. Modal testing and identification of mechanical systems;
9. Component mode synthesis in structural dynamics;
10. FRF based substructuring techniques for hybrid modeling of vibro-acoustic phenomena;
11. Signal processing.
Teaching in brief(page)
- Lecturer of Fundamentals of Machine Mechanics T-2 module 1, 1st level degree course in Automation Engineering, Bologna School of Engineering and Architecture, Italy, academic year 2016-20
- Lecturer of Mechanics of Machines M, master degree course in Electrical Engineering, Bologna School of Engineering and Architecture, Italy, academic year 2015-16
- Lecturer of Fundamentals of Machine Mechanics T-1 module 1, 1st level degree course in Automation Engineering, Bologna School of Engineering and Architecture, Italy, academic years 2012-15
- Lecturer of Mechanics of Machines T, 1st level degree course in Electrical Engineering, Bologna School of Engineering and Architecture, Italy, academic years 2011-15
- Lecturer of Fundamentals of Machine Mechanics T, 1st level degree course in Energy Engineering, Bologna Engineering Faculty, Italy, academic year 2009-11
- Lecturer of Mechanics of Machines T, 1st level degree course in Civil Engineering, Bologna Engineering Faculty, Italy, academic year 2009-10
- Lecturer abroad of Moderne Methoden fuer die experimentelle Modalanalyse und schwingungs-akustische Modellbildung (Deutsch) /
Advanced techniques in applied modal analysis and vibro-acoustic modelling (English),
course at the Institut fuer Mechanik und Mechatronik, Abteilung fuer Maschinendynamik, Messtechnik und Aktorik, Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria, I Semester 2009-10)
- Lecturer abroad of Ergaenzende Methoden in der Strukturdynamik und experimentellen Modellbildung (Deutsch) /
Complementary Approaches in Structural Dynamics and Experimental Modelling (English),
course at the Institut fuer Mechanik und Mechatronik, Abteilung fuer Maschinendynamik, Messtechnik und Aktorik, Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria, II Semester 2008-09)
- Lecturer of Mechanics of Machines LS, 2nd level degree course in Civil Engineering, Bologna Engineering Faculty, Italy, academic year 2008-09
- Lecturer of Dynamics and Vibrations of Machines LS, 2nd level degree course in Elettrical Engineering, Bologna Engineering Faculty, Italy, academic year 2008-09